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Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 8. Jun 2016, 18:04
von restore
Sorry dachte die brauchst du
Dann bestimmt hier
(2.09 KiB) 237-mal heruntergeladen

Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 9. Jun 2016, 13:39
von b2un0
Und du bist dir zu 100% sicher das die Datei exakt so auch auf dem RPI im richtigen Verzeichnis liegt? da liegt keine 0Byte Datei?

Womit öffnest du die Datei zum manuellen bearbeiten? Womit überträgst du die Datei auf den RPI? bzw wie.

Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 9. Jun 2016, 18:41
von restore
Bin mir eigentlich sicher ja xD


Ich bearbeite es entweder mit den Editor oder mit Wordpad

Und übertrage es via Ordner also nicht Hypercom

Die Datei ist 19 KB groß . Wird schon hinhauen oder?

Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 10. Jun 2016, 10:33
von b2un0
Linux unterscheidet zwischen Groß/Klein Schreibung bei Dateinamen, deine config Datei fängt mit einem großen "H" an, dein Aufruf diese einzulesen hingegen mit einem kleinen "H"..

Kein Wunder das dass nicht geht ;)

Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 10. Jun 2016, 20:32
von restore
So jetzt habe ich das "H" klein geschrieben.
Geht trotzdem nicht

Code: Alles auswählen

OpenELEC:~ # /storage/hyperion/bin/ /storage/.config/hyperion.config
Hyperion Ambilight Deamon
        Version   : V1.01.1 (brindosch-d4ad877/fc7bc3c-1458755689
        Build Time: Mar 23 2016 14:20:16
INFO: Selected configuration file: /storage/.config/hyperion.config.grabberCINCH.json
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  Failed to parse configuration: * Line 1, Column 1
  Syntax error: value, object or array expected.

OpenELEC:~ #


Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 12. Jun 2016, 16:50
von restore
Fehler gefunden.

Das mitgelieferte USB Kabel vom Grabber ist defekt gewesen.Habe alles Kabel ausgetauscht und jetzt geht es .
Putty Ergebnis:

Code: Alles auswählen

        Version   : V1.01.1 (brindosch-d4ad877/fc7bc3c-1458755689
        Build Time: Mar 23 2016 14:20:16
INFO: Selected configuration file: /storage/.config/hyperion.config.grabberCINCH                                                                                        .json
HYPERION INFO: ColorTransform 'default' => [0; 108]
HYPERION INFO: ColorCorrection 'default' => [0; 108]
LEDDEVICE INFO: configuration:
        "colorOrder" : "rgb",
        "name" : "MyHyperionConfig",
        "output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
        "rate" : 1000000,
        "type" : "ws2801"

INFO: Creating linear smoothing
HYPERION (CS) INFO: Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=33;settlingTime_ms=200;                                                                                        updateDelay=0
EFFECTENGINE INFO: Initializing Python interpreter
INFO: Hyperion started and initialised
INFO: Boot sequence 'Rainbow swirl fast' EFFECTENGINE INFO: run effect Rainbow s                                                                                        wirl fast on channel 0
BLACKBORDER INFO: threshold set to 0.01 (3)
BLACKBORDER INFO: mode:default
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  JSONSERVER ERROR: could not bind to port
OpenELEC:~ #
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # /storage/hyperion/bin/ /storage/.config/hy
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # .grabberCINCH.json
-sh: .grabberCINCH.json: not found
OpenELEC:~ # Hyperion Ambilight Deamon
-sh: Hyperion: not found
OpenELEC:~ #         Version   : V1.01.1 (brindosch-d4ad877/fc7bc3c-1458755689
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
OpenELEC:~ #         Build Time: Mar 23 2016 14:20:16
-sh: Build: not found
OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Selected configuration file: /storage/.config/hyperion.config
-sh: INFO:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # HYPERION INFO: ColorTransform 'default' => [0; 108]
-sh: HYPERION: not found
-sh: 108]: not found
OpenELEC:~ # HYPERION INFO: ColorCorrection 'default' => [0; 108]
-sh: HYPERION: not found
-sh: 108]: not found
OpenELEC:~ # LEDDEVICE INFO: configuration:
-sh: LEDDEVICE: not found
OpenELEC:~ # {
>         "colorOrder" : "rgb",
>         "name" : "MyHyperionConfig",
>         "output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
>         "rate" : 1000000,
>         "type" : "ws2801"
> }
-sh: colorOrder: not found
-sh: name: not found
-sh: output: not found
-sh: rate: not found
: is a special shell builtin
ws2801: not found
OpenELEC:~ #
OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Creating linear smoothing
-sh: INFO:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # HYPERION (CS) INFO: Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=33;settlin
-sh: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")
OpenELEC:~ # EFFECTENGINE INFO: Initializing Python interpreter
-sh: EFFECTENGINE: not found
OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Hyperion started and initialised
-sh: INFO:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Boot sequence 'Rainbow swirl fast' EFFECTENGINE INFO: run eff
ect Rainbow swirl fast on channel 0
-sh: INFO:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # BLACKBORDER INFO: threshold set to 0.01 (3)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
OpenELEC:~ # BLACKBORDER INFO: mode:default
-sh: BLACKBORDER: not found
OpenELEC:~ # started
-sh: started: not found
OpenELEC:~ # terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
-sh: terminate: not found
OpenELEC:~ #   what():  JSONSERVER ERROR: could not bind to port
OpenELEC:~ # Aborted
-sh: Aborted: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ #
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # {
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # >         "colorOrder" : "rgb",
OpenELEC:~ # >         "name" : "MyHyperionConfig",
OpenELEC:~ # >         "output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
OpenELEC:~ # >         "rate" : 1000000,
OpenELEC:~ # >         "type" : "ws2801"
OpenELEC:~ # > }
OpenELEC:~ # HYPERION (CS) INFO: Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=33;settlin
-sh: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")
OpenELEC:~ # EFFECTENGINE INFO: Initializing Python interpreter
-sh: EFFECTENGINE: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: colorOrder: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Boot sequence 'Rainbow swirl fast' EFFECTENGINE INFO: run eff
ect Rainbow swirl fast on channel 0
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: name: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: output: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # Aborted
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: rate: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # : is a special shell builtin
OpenELEC:~ # ws2801: not found
-sh: ws2801:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ #
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Creating linear smoothing
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: INFO:: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # HYPERION (CS) INFO: Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=33;settlin
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # gTime_ms=200;updateDelay=0
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # EFFECTENGINE INFO: Initializing Python interpreter
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: EFFECTENGINE: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Hyperion started and initialised
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: INFO:: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # INFO: Boot sequence 'Rainbow swirl fast' EFFECTENGINE INFO: run eff
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # ect Rainbow swirl fast on channel 0
-sh: ect: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: INFO:: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # BLACKBORDER INFO: threshold set to 0.01 (3)
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # BLACKBORDER INFO: mode:default
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: BLACKBORDER: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # started
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: started: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: terminate: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ #   what():  JSONSERVER ERROR: could not bind to port
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # Aborted
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: Aborted: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ #
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ # -sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
OpenELEC:~ # OpenELEC:~ #
-sh: OpenELEC:~: not found
OpenELEC:~ #


Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 12. Jun 2016, 16:51
von b2un0
das ja, weil hyperion schon lief und du noch ein zwei andere Sachen falsch gemacht hast.
Starte die Kiste neu und probier deine Favoriten aus, das sollte dann eigentlich funktionieren.

Ambilight mit SAT TV, PS4 und BD Player

Verfasst: 18. Jun 2016, 21:47
von restore
Gut, richtig blick ich da nicht durch aber okay xD

Alle LED laufen.
Beim "Externen" ist mir aufgefallen das 5 LED nicht laufen und immer die am Ende der Ecken.
Wo ran liegt das?